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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Learn Forex Trading

Gone are the days, when people with small bundles of notes surely would draw your attention at the airports/ international bus terminus/ important office areas, who are ready to exchange your currency to your desired foreign exchange at a commission. The literacy, the spread, the entrants of various professionals, automated software, revolutionary online forex trading companies have been able to put a control over the entire unorganized sector to pave the way for complete professionalism and to offer a much more convenient and systematic way of Forex trading.

At the inception phase, people, mainly the large corporations used to perform their Forex trading through various banks or major financial institutes, who used to operate at the international level. The overwhelming popularity of Forex of today's modern world due to the liberalization and global economic polices is empowered by the telecom boom, the immense reach of Internet and the unimaginable advantage of advanced technology. The instantaneous effect and up-to-date news provided by the Online Forex Software exchange trading platform in the regime of online Forex, have given you the classical opportunity of taking decisions and immediate implementation. Online Forex trading has been standardized over the years after the initial teething problems, and today's Forex participants get an almost secured access through various online Forex trading companies, which is free from all encumbrances. The technology, its application in case of online Forex has been drastically improved with the increasing awareness of people at large. The success lies in bringing a wider gamut of people into Forex trading platform and in turn the entire Forex Software exchange trading platform has become commercially viable.

If we want to look into the current Foreign Exchange market, we can find a reasonable number of stakeholders beyond the predominated traditional Multi National Companies or MNCs, banks, brokers and the final impetus has given by the wide acceptance of a large number of commoners, who get engaged in Forex trading due to various reasons including even as a mere hobby. The latest encryption methodologies and plenty of guide and trend analysis will make you secured and comfortable even if you are a first timer dabbling into online Forex trading.

The concept of margin trading, implying the traded on margin, saves you for a huge amount of deposit in the Forex. The margin deposit varies between banks and it is always in percentile terms of the original amount, which the bank allows you to play. A simple example will show you the actual potential. Suppose a bank has kept the margin deposit as 2%, which implies that you need to deposit only $20000 USD to trade two million dollars and also you may gear up your profit by 200%. As the coin has got two sides, the 2% margin deposit in Forex may also take you to the road of losses by 200%. The rule remains same, when the offline Forex trading changes it face to online Forex trading.

As every investment carries the potential risk of both profit and loss, the luck of an aggressive online Forex trader may sway anywhere between 2 to 25% on a daily basis on an average. Just for the knowledge base, the beginner in Forex trading must be aware of that the interest rates on your deposit varies greatly depending upon the currencies and the prevailing practice is to play in multiple currencies, popularly known as Base currency and variable currency in the world of Forex both in traditional platform and in online Forex platform. Your awareness level, your analytic power, your intuition are the key driven forces to transform you to an informed Forex trader and to optimize your Return on Investment (ROI) in the most prospective financial market of today's economic world.

About the Author - Easy to use trading platform, allowing you to use real or virtual money to execute real-time trades with a click of a button.

When All Stocks Are Value Stocks - Think QDI

Value stocks are those that tend to trade at lower prices relative to their fundamental characteristics than their more speculative cousins, the growth stocks; they have higher than usual dividend yields and lower P/E and P/B ratios. So when all stock prices are down significantly, have they all become value stocks? Or, based on the panicky fear that tends to overwhelm media and financial experts alike, haven't they all taken on the speculative characteristics of growth stocks?

Well, to a certain extent they have, because the lower value stock prices go, the more likely it is that they will eventually experience the 15% ROE that typifies the classic growth stock. Interestingly, by definition, growth stocks are expected to be associated with profitable companies, a fact that speculators often lose site of. There are three features that separate value stocks from growth stocks and two that separate Investment Grade Value (IGV) stocks from the average, run-of-the-mill, variety.

Value stocks pay dividends, and have lower ratios than growth stocks. IGV stock companies also have long-term histories of profitability and an S & P rating of B+ or higher. Would you be surprised to learn that neither the DJIA nor the S & P 500 contains particularly high numbers of IGV stocks? Still, since 1982, value stocks have outperformed growth stocks 62% of the time. So when an ugly correction has a makeover, it's likely that all value stocks transform themselves into growth stocks, at least temporarily.

Will Rogers summed up the stock selection quandary nicely with: "Only buy stocks that go up. If they aren't going to go up, don't buy them." Many have misunderstood this tongue-in-cheek observation and joined the buy-anything-high investment club. You need dig no further than the current lists (June '08) of "most advancing issues" to see how investors are buying commodity companies and financial futures at the highest prices in the history of mankind.

This while they are shunning IGVSI (Investment Grade Value Stock Index) companies that have plummeted to their most attractive price levels in three to five years. Many of the very best multinational companies in the world are at historically low prices. Wall Street smiles knowingly (and greedily) as Main Street hucksters tout gold, currencies, and oil futures as retirement plan safety nets. Regulatory agencies look the other way as speculations worm their way into qualified plans of all varieties. Surely those markets will be regulated some day--- after the next Bazooka-pink, gooey mess becomes history.

How much financial bloodshed is necessary before we realize that there is no safe and easy shortcut to investment success? When do we learn that most of our mistakes involve greed, fear, or unrealistic expectations about what we own? Eventually, successful investors begin to allocate assets in a goal directed manner by adopting a more realistic investment strategy--- one with security selection guidelines and realistic performance definitions and expectations.

If you are thinking of trying a strategy for a year to see if it works, you're being too short-term sighted--- the investment markets operate in cycles. If you insist on comparing your performance with indices and averages, you'll rarely be satisfied. A viable investment strategy will be a three-dimensional decision model, and all three decisions are equally important. Few strategies include a targeted profit taking discipline--- dimension two. The first dimension involves the selection of securities. The third?

How should an investor determine what stocks to buy, and when to buy them? We've discussed the features of value and growth stocks and seen how any number of companies can qualify as either dependent upon where we are in terms of the market cycle or where they are in terms of their own industry, sector, or business cycles. Value stocks (and the debt securities of value stock companies) tend to be safer than growth stocks. But IGVSI stocks are super-screened by a unique rating system that is based on company survival statistics--- very important stuff.

In the late 90's, it was rumored that a well-known value fund manager was asked why he wasn't buying dot-coms, IPOs, etc. When he said that they didn't qualify as value stocks, he was told to change his definition--- or else. IGV stocks include a quality element that minimizes the risk of loss and normally smoothes the angles in the market cycle. The market value highs are typically not as high, but the market value lows are most often not as low as they are with either growth or Wall Street definition value stocks. They work best in conjunction with portfolios that have an income allocation of at least 30%--- you need to know why.

How do we create a confidence building IGV stock selection universe without getting bogged down in endless research? Here are five filters you can use to come up with a listing of higher quality companies: (1) An S & P rating of B+ or better. Standard & Poor's combines many fundamental and qualitative factors into a letter ranking that speaks only to the financial viability of the companies. Anything rated lower adds more risk to your portfolio.

(2) A history of profitability. Although it should seem obvious, buying stock in a company that has a history of profitable operations is inherently less risky. Profitable operations adapt more readily to changes in markets, economies, and business growth opportunities. (3) A history of regular, even increasing, dividend payments. Companies will go to great lengths, and endure great hardships, before electing either to cut or to omit a dividend. Dividend changes are important, absolute size is not.

(4) A Reasonable Price Range. Most Investment Grade stocks are priced above $10 per share and only a few trade at levels above $100. An unusually high price may be caused by higher sector or company-specific speculation while an inordinately low price may be a good warning signal. (5) An NYSE listing--- just because it's easier.

Your selection universe will become the backbone of your equity asset allocation, so there is no room for creative adjustments to the rules and guidelines you've established--- no matter how strongly you feel about recent news or rumor. There are approximately 450 IGV stocks to choose from--- and you'll find the name recognition comforting. Additionally, as these companies gyrate above and below your purchase price (as they absolutely will), you can be more confident that it is merely the nature of the stock market and not an imminent financial disaster.

The QDI? Quality, diversification, and income.

About the Author

Steve Selengut Author of: "The Brainwashing of the American Investor: The Book that Wall Street Does Not Want YOU to Read", and "A Millionaire's Secret Investment Strategy"

Different Ways of Debt Consolidation

These days there are a lot of different ways for individuals to get themselves out of debt. Debt consolidation is probably the best thing that any one person that finds themselves in debt can do for them to ensure a bright financial future. One fixed monthly payment on a strict schedule can allow you to budget accordingly and actually see an end to the monthly payments.

Using a credit card is actually a good way to get yourself out of debt if you have a good credit rating believe it or not. If you have a good credit rating you could get a much lower rate then you would get from other types of consolidation loans. Since a credit card does not require you to have collateral up front, you are not risking too much by using this method. If you have credit card debt, you should call up potential new card companies and find out how much it would run to you transfer your current outstanding balance over to theirs along with what rates of interest you would receive. If you can get a fixed rate of interest you will be well off and be sure that they will waive any wire transfer fees from you if you go about this.

If you are unable to get yourself a low rate of interest with your current credit card company try others, but be careful because too many different types of applications to credit institutions can have a negative impact on your credit profile. When you do consolidate this way, you should be certain to set up the best possible payment plan for it so that you can be debt free in three to five years time.

When you use a home equity loan you are able to borrow against the value of your home without any other mortgages. There are a couple of different types of home equity loans which are the standard home equity loan which you can get a fixed amount of finances for a fixed period of time and a home equity line of credit where you are able to borrow up against the value of your home if you still have cash available for it. These loans in and of itself can offer you a low rate and low payments; the interested is also typically tax deductible if you go about it the correct way.

There is also the cash out refinancing option when you refinance your home. This allows you to take out money to pay off some bills and is just another way of being able to tap into the equity that you have retained on your home. If you are able to refinance at a lower rate that you had you can in turn reduce or just all together remove the higher interest costs that you have on the debts that you are paying off and you could even come out with an even lower payment than you have right now since the rates are so low at this moment in time.

Another option to consider is an interest only loan in that you can lower you monthly payments to free up some cash in order to pay down the debt you have accrued elsewhere. Be certain that you understand how much the cost of refinancing is, that way you can take any money that you free up and apply it to pay down other debt that you may have and save the rest for a rainy day.

The typical debt consolidation loan is a type of unsecured personal loan where the only collateral that you have to offer the lender is yourself. Since lenders consider these loans to be fairly risky in nature they tend to be a bit more expensive then the other options and is not the easiest things to get yourself if you happen to have acquired a fair amount of debt. If the interest rate is a bit too high for you and makes it not worth it then you should probably consider another type of consolidation route to go with. If the term is adequate then you could actually save some good cash when all is said and done so be sure to calculate how much everything will cost you before you take any action.

There is credit counseling companies out there that can help you get out of debt even though they do not physically consolidate all of your debt. Instead of consolidation, they will set up payment plans for you to lower your interest rates on your current debts. You will make a single lump sum payment each month to the service and they in turn will pay off all of your current creditors. Going about this sort of service will not usually hurt your credit so long as you pay on time each month and never falter. If you stick with it you can be debt free within three to five years.

The debt settlement option is becoming a lot more popular with people that have a lot of debt and are considering bankruptcy. You would have to stop paying your bills so that they default and as a result a debt settlement company would negotiate a lower lump sum payment to pay your creditors off with. Instead of them getting nothing by risking you going bankrupt, they allow you to pay off this lower balance so that they can be sure that they get something out of it. As a result you end up paying fifty percent or even sometimes lower, of your outstanding balance to them. Using one of these programs can get you out of debt within two years if you also stick to it. It is not a perfect solution as your credit rating will suffer during the short run but this can be easily fixed in the future when you have climbed out of the debt that you are in now.

Consolidation of your bills is not always the easiest thing to accomplish. In reality, if you happen to have a lot of debts, it can be pretty difficult to find yourself a debt consolidation loan at a fairly low interest rate, and if you are not careful you could end up getting even further and further in debt than when you had originally started. The goal of getting your debt consolidated should be to lower the overall costs of your outstanding debt. There a couple of things to keep in mind when trying to do this which involve getting the lowest possible interest rate you can on your loans, and make sure that you have a plan in place to get your debts paid off within three to five years time.

The biggest mistake that a lot of people make when trying to consolidate your debt is to not have a solid plan for paying off the debt after they have consolidated all of their debt and to of course never take action. If you wait for the perfect solution to come along you will just get yourself into a lot more debt trouble. It is very important to get your debt solution going immediately if you want to have the future of your finances looking bright. Explore your options and take a look at the different companies out there before deciding to do anything. It will be worth it when you are able to get the high priced item you need in the future.

About the Author

By utilizing Debt Consolidation Loans program, you are capable of relief from your current budget. It will allow you to bring down your current monthly payments on your debt even with bad credit. Consulting with could be the best debt solution that any person in debt can find for them to ensure a bright financial future.

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